crius XBee PRO 900HP S3B Module with adapter RPSMA Wireless Kit 250mW 28 miles for pixhawk apm (2 sets)
2 pieces crius XBee PRO 900HP S3B Module with adapter RPSMA Wireless Kit 250mW 28 miles for pixhawk apm
- Interchangeable air and ground modules
- Micro USB port
- 6-position PicoBlade connector with UART interface
- Serial interface 3.3V UART
- 500mA DC-DC Converter
- FT231XQ USB to serial IC
- EMI filtering and ESD protection for USB
- Supply voltage: 4~17V DC (from 6-position connnector)
- XBee PRO S3B 902~928MHz 200kb/s module
- 250mW maximum output power (adjustable)
- RP-SMA connecter
- Transmit current: 300mA (3.3V) max at 24dBm
- Receive current: 40mA (3.3V) max
- XBee PRO 900HP S3B module x 2
- 2.15dB dipole antenna 115mm x 2
- XBee adapter x 2
- 6-wire Pixhawk connector cable x 2
- FT231XQ Driver: http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP.htm
- XCTU v. 6.2.0, Windows x86/x64: http:// ftp1.digi.com/support/utilities/40003026_C.exe